It was a wet day and Corona was an issue, but all things considered TPC of Louisiana handled it all very well. There was no use of the bag drop this day and the clubhouse was closed, but the staff found a way to still check everyone in and accept payment through a window. Each person was also given a zip lock bag which had in it a scorecard, penil and some tess. Very clever idea.
Once all checked in each golfer was given their own golf cart. Not only was this great for the social distancing, but it adds to shortening the pace of play.
The practice facilities were in excellent conditions. The only thing missing that would have normally been there are the pvc ball scraper and rakes for the bunkers around the short game practice green.
The course overall was in great condition as always. The lack of play and not having the Zurich Classic of New Orleans this year really kept the course in possibly the best condition it could be.
The wildlife was out as usual and even being born and raised around here I am still amazed and love to see the aligators on the course. I only got a pictur eof one, but we saw about 12 0r 13 all day. most were young, maybe a couple years old.

All in all this is the best conditioned course in the New Orleans area. Highly recommend playing. They even have some very reasonable membership options. To view more about TPC of Louisiana and their contact information - Click here
Here is a sped up video of the days conditions. Enjoy
