The 4th of July has always been an outdoor holiday. Here in the New Orleans area, it includes boating, fishing, volleyball, backyard parties, and of course golf. We are truly the Sportsman's Paradise in Southeast Louisiana. Let's just hope we can have some decent weather to enjoy our weekend.
In golf, the 4th of July weekend is celebrated in many different ways. Some golf courses may offer specials, food and beverage deals, do a cookout, or have a special event. Many of the events may vary from course to course, some may have a fee to participate or some may be free. The only way to find out is to contact a golf course or check out their social media pages (if they update them).
One of the more fun events that take place around the country is the 4th of July Flag Tournament, like Riverlands Golf and Country Club is having. The object of the event is to be the golfer that plants their flag the farthest on the golf course. Pay to participate and you will receive a flag. Depending on your handicap determines how many shots you are allowed before planting your flag. For example: If a golfer is a 5 handicap they are allowed 77 shots. When the golfer hits their 77th shot where the ball lands is where they plant their flag. If the golfer hit their 77th shot off the tee of the 18th hole they plant their flag where that shot finished. If no other golfer plants a flag any further than that point then that golfers 77th shot is deemed the winner. There are some variations of this but this is how Riverlands flier (pictured below) posted to their Facebook page explains it.
The other ways the 4th of July is celebrated with golf comes from the retailers. Some, like, offer sales like their current 30% Off Sale. This is actually the more common way a retailer will celebrate with offers. Some may do a special buy-on-get-one-free deal or simply free shipping. You may even see on course golf shops offer sales on apparel or other items. Others offer USA Apparel, Shoes, Headcovers and more like from Worldwide Golf Shops. We recently purchased one of these products to do a review on, a USA Edition Putter Headcover (pictured below). However, the product is running late due to shipping issues from the weather according to FedEx tracking information. We will do the review next week to let you know what we think.
No matter which golf course you may go play you are sure to find something going on at the club to celebrate the 4th of July. Remember on holiday weekends more golfers are out playing. This is especially true since the New Orleans area has had so much rain recently limiting how often we can get out and play. This was evident Friday morning when we played TPC of Louisiana with almost every tee-time booked until 10:30 am. Fair warning for golfers going to play there right now. The golf course is still recovering from aerification and they are still charging local golfers about $100. The course is in decent shape and we know maintenance has not been able to work properly due to the weather delaying the recovery but we think $100 for locals in July under aerified conditions is a bit much. $80 for locals would be a better rate, however, the staff was super in the golf shop, the outside services, and the beverage cart so that makes up the difference.
Enjoy your weekend as you celebrate the 4th of July and please remember whatever you decide to do have fun and be safe.